What Did Jesus Write on the Ground? Exegetical Analysis of John 8: 6–8

Milan Kostrešević

What Did Jesus Write on the Ground? Exegetical Analysis of John 8: 6–8

Category: Original Research

pages: 17-52


Inspired by a sermon by Saint Nicholai of Ohrid and Ziča on Jesus’ writing on the ground, the paper offers an insight into a wide range of exegetical analyses concerning the three basic issues related to Jesus’ writing on the ground presented in John 8: 6–8. The question of the content of the inscription is first investigated. Despite the complete absence of the actual text, numerous authors over time have made many possible but hypothetical suggestions as to what words Jesus could have written. Then, various suggestions are considered regarding the meaning of this action, that is, the very fact that Jesus wrote. Finally, the study deals with the question of Jesus’ literacy and in connection with Keith’s claim that this pericope is a third-century interpolation inserted into the text of the Fourth Gospel in order to satisfy the Church’s needs for literate leaders.



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